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December 18, 2024

Three males standing
First-generation doctoral student Josiah Beharry made history in 2023 when he was chosen as the first student regent from UC Merced. In addition to being the 50th student to serve on the Board of Regents that governs the University of California system, Beharry also is the first publicly...
Professor Noemi Petra in a white shirt and black jacket poses in front of a reflective, opaque glass wall.
Professor Noemi Petra is UC Merced’s newest recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award, which the NSF describes as its “...
Aerial photograph of green farmland being watered by dozens of sprinklers.
A full-length documentary highlighting the relationship between water, food security and, ultimately, global security, features UC Merced researchers and is scheduled to premiere Sept. 14 in downtown...
UC Staff member Breeana Sylvas poses outdoors with two reusable water bottles.
The Merced Sun-Star’s inaugural “20 Under 40” list honors rising stars under the age of 40 who are actively engaged in making Merced a better place to live and work — and UC...
The third annual UC Merced Journey 5K Fund Run drew a record 475 participants Saturday and raised more than $6,000, exceeding the event’s stated goal.  Proceeds and donations from this...
Two men pose with an oversized check on stage at a check presentation ceremony for the PG&E award to SNRI.
A team of UC Merced researchers was recently awarded $100,000 from Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) to identify ways to improve drought resilience and reduce the risk of wildfire in Sierra...
One of several murals painted on school buildings with the community's help.
“Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact.” — William S. Burroughs The economic and educational...
The monks take tea with Professor Noelle and continue discussing concepts in neuroscience.
Two UC Merced cognitive scientists spent part of their summer in India this year, teaching neuroscience to a group of exiled Tibetan Buddhist monks. Professors Ramesh Balasubramaniam and David...
Professor Asmeret Asefaw Berhe stands in front of a wall wearing a light blue lab coat and holding a tray of cake tins filled with soil samples.
Professor Asmeret Asefaw Berhe is a biogeochemist who studies the impact of climate change on Sierra Nevada soils. She’s also active in efforts to recruit and retain women in science,...
Several hundred staff members are seated in the Dr. Lakireddy Auditorium listening to a speaker on stage.
Chancellor Dorothy Leland, members of her executive team and other campus leaders kicked off UC Merced’s 2017-18 academic year by lauding faculty and staff members, recapping successes of the...


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