MERCED, CA. — The University of California, Merced is engaging in a recycling program that will reduce waste and help fund scholarships for local students.
Funded by the State Department of Conservation and administered by the Merced County Association of Governments (MCAG), the grant program permits UC Merced to greatly expand existing recycling efforts in its offices at Castle Airport Aviation and Development Center. The Castle offices currently are serving as a temporary home to about 75 of UC Merced's 120 employees before their permanent office space on campus is ready for occupation.
The campus is committed to sustainable planning and environmental stewardship, and is incorporating conservation in the office through such practices as recycling.
“Recycling is our responsibility, and we appreciate the support of the Merced County Association of Governments as we begin to build a strong recycling program at UC Merced,” said Chancellor Carol Tomlinson-Keasey. “In turn, I am especially excited that we have the opportunity to use proceeds from this recycling program to provide financial support for local students planning to attend a UC campus.”
Students graduating from any high school in the city of Merced and planning to attend any University of California campus will be eligible for the scholarships. The UC Merced Financial Aid Office will administer the scholarship program.
MCAG will provide collection bins - from small, desk-side containers to 40-gallon bins - for clean paper, newspaper, magazines, cardboard, aluminum, plastic and glass, and the company Turlock Recycling will provide recycling services. Employees also will be encouraged to bring recyclables from home.