High school juniors and seniors as well as community college students considering careers in engineering are invited to a Engineering Conference sponsored by the University of California, Merced on Saturday, November 13, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Castle Science and Technology Center in Atwater.
This event will afford area students the chance to learn about UC Merced's opening majors in Computer Science and Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Bioengineering, and the career opportunities for which those programs will prepare them. UC Merced faculty members and local students who have already experienced the unique features of the program will be on hand to share experiences and answer questions. Students can also learn about how to prepare for and apply to the University of California.
Interested parties should call 1-866-270-7301 for more information and to reserve a place at the event. Attendance is limited to 150, and the guest list will be compiled on a first-come, first-served basis.