MERCED, CA — The newest campus in the University of California system will take its place among its older “sisters” on Tuesday, March 4, under a big, green tent by the state capitol in Sacramento.
The University of California, Merced, will feature a natural-gas-powered car donated by Pacific Gas & Electric and a working solar concentrator developed by Professor Roland Winston of the UC Merced schools of Engineering and Natural Sciences.
All ten UC campuses, along with the national laboratories from Berkeley and Livermore and UC's Agriculture and Natural Resources division and some multi-campus research centers, will be advocating for the UC system March 4. That day will be the annual Alumni Association of the University of California (AAUC) Day in Sacramento, commonly known as UC Day. The event brings together UC alumni, stakeholders and friends to emphasize UC's role in providing, high-quality, affordable education; improving California's quality of life; and creating solutions for the state's challenges.
This year, UC was recognized by the Sierra Club as one of the top 10 “green” universities in the United States, and therefore the system chose “UC Goes Green” as the theme for UC Day. UC plays a crucial part in protecting the environment and pioneering sustainable practices through its three missions of education, research and public services, as well as leading the way in responsible buildings and operations. UC Merced, as the newest campus in the system, has the opportunity to break new ground in each of these areas. Three of UC Merced's building complexes are already certified Gold or Silver by the US Green Building Commissions LEED program.
Alumni, stakeholders and friends can still get involved in UC Day through the Website.