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July 20, 2007
Caitlyn Kennedy knew she wanted to attend UC Merced when she was in the eighth grade and the now-thriving campus was just a barren field. She watched a presentation about the proposed UC campus at her middle school in Frazier Park, a tiny town about an hour south of Bakersfield. In high school,...
July 13, 2007
Nine students from community colleges all over the state are living at UC Merced for five weeks this summer as they work with four faculty members on such projects as stem-cell and infectious-disease research. I’m going for my bioscience major, but I’m not sure what aspect I want to focus on, said...
July 13, 2007
When ProfessorCarlos Coimbrahad free time from meetings in Japan this summer, he spent it practicing karate in the world’s best dojo. Now that he’s home coordinating major research plans, the concentration and discipline of his martial arts practice will come in handy. He’s assembling a team of...
July 10, 2007
MERCED - As California’s climate changes, will plant populations adapt, migrate or face extinction? An inter-institutional team of researchers led by Professor Lara Kueppers of UC Merced aims to find out, using a new, $2.97 million grant from the United States Department of Energy’s Program for...
July 6, 2007
ProfessorsSimón WefferandRobin DeLuganhave a long-term commitment to the Valley. They’ve agreed to undertake a 10-year study of communities here to analyze the quality of life, to help community-based organizations figure out how their programs work and might network with other organizations, and...
July 6, 2007
If you had asked Supervising Locksmith Frank Fimbrez 13 years ago what he’d be doing now, unlocking doors would not have been on the list of possibilities. Fimbrez came to his career in a roundabout way. While working at a video store in Merced, the owner of a local lock company approached him....
June 29, 2007
Professor Shawn Newsam, who specializes incomputer science and engineering, didn’t have any radio experience when he had the idea for aservice learningcourse to start a radio station at UC Merced. That didn’t stop him. “It makes a good service learning project that way,” he said. “I can be more of...
June 29, 2007
When classes let out and graduates cross the bridge to the world of work, professors cheer as loud as anyone. But it’s not because they’re headed to the beach or the mountains for three months - although they do often get to travel. Some of the most exciting scholarly activities take place on...
June 25, 2007
MERCED - Professor Stefano Carpin and student Eric Lam from the School of Engineering at the University of California, Merced, don’t expect to bring any trophies home from the international RoboCup competition in Atlanta next week. Although Carpin last year led the second-place team from...
June 22, 2007
If the phrase professors in summer makes you think of bearded scholars getting sunburned as they venture out of dank libraries for the first time in months, it’s time to revise your view. Professors at UC Merced work as hard in the summer as during the academic year - but they’re definitely not...
