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November 30, 2010
Edirin Egbikuadje has been juggling soccer balls for as long as he can remember. Now, the senior mechanical engineering major is juggling a lot more — engaging classes, hands-on research and much more. “My experience has been amazing,” Egbikuadje said. “I really like the community here. Small...
November 29, 2010
If Ricardo Camargo wasn’t studying human biology at UC Merced, he’d be laboring alongside his brothers in the San Joaquin Valley vineyards. Setting his goals on something more than farm work, Camargo knew he wanted to go to college. But if it weren’t for the scholarships he has received, he would...
November 24, 2010
Politicians spend millions of dollars each year formulating effective campaign messages, but they may not always focus on the right details. A recent study conducted by a UC Merced professor suggests they may want to pay closer attention to the fine-grained details of those messages. UC...
November 18, 2010
Yang Li picked UC Merced because he believed the campus offered him the best opportunities to grow. He worried at first about the rural setting and the newness of the institution, but the people at UC Merced quickly overcame his misgivings. Li’s parents - strong advocates for his education -...
November 12, 2010
Edirin Egbikuadje has been juggling soccer balls for as long as he can remember. Now, the senior mechanical engineering major is juggling a lot more — engaging classes, hands-on research and rewarding work on campus. “My experience has been amazing,” Egbikuadje said. “I really like the community...
November 9, 2010
When it comes to preventing violence, it is the simple actions that matter the most. Checking up on a friend who has become withdrawn. Walking a friend home to ensure they make it there safely. Intervening when another party-goer is being harassed. UC Merced’sViolence Prevention Program(VPP) is...
November 5, 2010
Great Valley Center’s Green Communities Program to develop greenhouse gas emissions inventories for Valley city governments Quick Facts The Great Valley Center’s Green Communities Program will use paid interns to inventory greenhouse gas emissions for local governments in the San Joaquin Valley...
November 4, 2010
UC Merced’sWomen in Science and Engineeringgroup started with a simple goal: to create a place where students feel comfortable to talk about anything and be supported by fellow students.   “It’s nice to have that reinforcement - that you’ll struggle (in some classes) - but that you’ll make it...
November 1, 2010
Study by researchers at UC Merced and UCSF is the first to track teens’ sexual behavior over time to determine whether oral sex increases the likelihood of having sexual intercourse. Half of teens who have oral sex during the ninth grade will have intercourse by the end of the 11th grade, and...
October 29, 2010
Fruit flies, with a short lives and genes that are easy to manipulate, make excellent models for innovative research into cancer. Natural SciencesProfessorMike Cleary, a member of UC Merced’sstem cellconsortium, is using these tiny bugs, formally known as Drosophila, in his cutting-edge work in...
