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April 3, 2013
Professor Suzanne Sindi found her calling in seventh grade, while reading “Jurassic Park.” “I liked the idea that math is a tool for understanding the whole world,” she said. Her School of Natural Sciences colleague Professor Karin Leiderman wants to understand how people’s bodies work. They are...
April 1, 2013
UC Merced artists are sharing their best work this semester in the eighth annual Bobcat Art Show. The exhibit runs from April 1 to May 2 and entries can be seen at the Leo and Dottie Kolligian Library and the UC Merced Art Gallery in the Social Sciences and Management Building, Room 106. “The...
March 25, 2013
One group of engineering students is focusing on tiny ways to make big strides in education. A 10-member Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) team is developing a piece of curriculum that is good enough to become part of the national NISE Net catalog – a hub for anyone to access...
March 22, 2013
Retired astronaut and engineer Jose Hernandez and acclaimed author and organic farmer David Mas Masumoto will deliver keynote addresses at the University of California, Merced’s eighth commencement exercises May 18 and 19. With more than 900 students eligible to graduate, this year marks the...
March 20, 2013
People don’t often think of deformation as a good thing. But when it comes to biofilaments – such as strands of DNA – it’s not only good, it’s necessary for the biofilament to complete its functions. When biofilaments twist, twine, bend or loop in the ways that are correct for them, the result is a...
March 18, 2013
UC Merced biology Professor Rudy Ortiz is furthering his innovative research into diabetes with support from a major pharmaceutical company. Ortiz’ work, developing new applications for medicines used to treat the effects of insulin resistance, has been funded by Amylin Pharmaceuticals LLC, a...
March 13, 2013
For alumnus Justin Hicks, graduate school at UC Merced was a trailblazing experience. Like many UC Merced students, Hicks was pioneering a path as he worked towards his Ph.D. in economics from 2007 to 2012. “At the time, Justin was our only graduate student in economics, so he had four faculty...
March 11, 2013
A collaboration between a dean and a professor and a grant from the National Science Foundation have made UC Merced part of a national nanotechnology-biology hub that will expand both knowledge and opportunities for students in Merced. School of Natural Sciences Dean Juan Meza and Professor Mike...
March 6, 2013
A couple years ago, Alejandra Vazquez signed up to be a community service officer on the UC Merced campus. She thought she was just taking an interesting job, but for her and others, the experience has turned out to be so much more. Community service officers, student employees with the Department...
March 4, 2013
The theory that temperature limits how far up in the mountains trees can grow looks like it’s true, but not in the way researchers had expected. Working with Professor Lara Kueppers, UC Merced postdoctoral researcher Andrew Moyes’ examination of how warmer temperatures affect alpine-area trees has...
