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December 5, 2017
Decades ago, attorney Leo Kolligian was one of the early champions of a new University of California campus in the San Joaquin Valley. His years of unwavering leadership and commitment helped pave the way for UC Merced, the system’s 10th and newest university. Today, that legacy endures in...
December 4, 2017
Scientists have long known that cells originating from an animal’s anterior — the body’s upper half — tend to grow, divide and survive better than those from the posterior. Studies show this to be true in cancer as well, with anterior cancers metastasizing more aggressively...
November 29, 2017
Five UC Merced students brought home awards for their research at this year’s Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Diversity in STEM conference. The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) at UC Merced sent 26 scholars to present...
November 28, 2017
Prof. Nella Van Dyke discusses her research on hate speech, free speech and hate crimes.
November 27, 2017
