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February 15, 2018
People on college campuses hold a wide range of views, and the First Amendment gives everyone the right to express their opinions. But restricting speech at a public institution — even when what’s said is unpopular, offensive or even hateful — is against the law. Erwin...
February 14, 2018
UC Merced has a new Sustainability Strategic Plan to help the campus further advance its sustainability goals. In 2016, the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (CACS), and the Department of Sustainability (DOS) initiated a strategic planning process for the campus’...
February 12, 2018
California’s recent legalization of recreational marijuana and the nation’s ongoing opioid crisis have many parents worried that their own teenagers might succumb to the temptations of drugs and alcohol. At this year’s installment of the Vital and Alice Pellissier Family...
