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Undergraduate Students

December 18, 2024

uc merced fall commencement father and graduate son
The head of one of the largest municipal housing authorities in the United States and the first undocumented resident to earn at Ph.D. at UC Merced will be keynote speakers at the university’s fall commencement ceremonies. Lourdes M. Castro Ramírez, president and chief executive officer of...
As part of the University of California Global Food Initiative, 54 students — including six from UC Merced—have been awarded fellowships to fund projects that will address issues ranging from...
MERCED, Calif. — The University of California, Merced, will report at the White House today (Dec. 4) on progress the campus is making in its efforts to support undocumented students, create career...
Lorraine Sturdevant always wanted to explore other countries, but finances were always an obstacle. But winning a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship allowed her to take her first...
Jefferson Kuoch-Seng is now the official voice for the University of California’s roughly 240,000 students — the first UC Merced student ever to serve in that role. In August, Kuoch-Seng was elected...
Most UC Merced students have the desire to help shape the university — whether it’s the culture or the curriculum. Rocco Bowman was no different. Bowman is the co-founder of the Undergraduate...
How patients perceive and talk about their illnesses can have an impact on how they recover and heal, according to a growing area of health research being furthered by UC Merced health psychology...
With psychiatrists in short supply throughout the community, UC Merced is leveraging modern technology to expand that service to students. The UC’s 10th and newest campus is the first within the...
If you're not a student, faculty or staff member here, you don't know UC Merced. You haven't experienced the excitement of building a university from the ground up, finding strengths you didn't know...
UC Merced’s 2,100 resident students are gearing up for a month-long battle in which no one will get hurt. They might have greasy hair, though.   The 2014 Water Battle – to see which residence hall...


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