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School of Social Sciences Humanities and Arts

December 18, 2024

Three males standing
First-generation doctoral student Josiah Beharry made history in 2023 when he was chosen as the first student regent from UC Merced. In addition to being the 50th student to serve on the Board of Regents that governs the University of California system, Beharry also is the first publicly...
MERCED, Calif. — The University of California, Merced, will report at the White House today (Dec. 4) on progress the campus is making in its efforts to support undocumented students, create career...
Lorraine Sturdevant always wanted to explore other countries, but finances were always an obstacle. But winning a Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship allowed her to take her first...
Jefferson Kuoch-Seng is now the official voice for the University of California’s roughly 240,000 students — the first UC Merced student ever to serve in that role. In August, Kuoch-Seng was elected...
Most UC Merced students have the desire to help shape the university — whether it’s the culture or the curriculum. Rocco Bowman was no different. Bowman is the co-founder of the Undergraduate...
Sociology at UC Merced is a prism that offers insight and perspective into what's happening in the world. Trying to understand how people mobilize under democracies or military dictatorships? Ask...
How patients perceive and talk about their illnesses can have an impact on how they recover and heal, according to a growing area of health research being furthered by UC Merced health psychology...
Viola Gregg Liuzzo, a civil rights activist who was killed by the Ku Klux Klan while driving another activist home from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in March 1965, has been named the...
UC Merced has hired 34 faculty members for the 2014-15 academic year, giving the campus 212 tenure-track professors who expand the depth and breadth of research expertise. Excluding student employees...
Shy in high school, Rachel Fang didn’t want to follow the same pattern as a UC Merced student. “I decided that I was going to change,” Fang said. “I wanted to be more outspoken.” Fang found the...


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