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March 4, 2025

Professor Michele Nishiguchi talks to a group of Plainsburg Elementary School students at a science outreach event.
The Biology Integration Institute (BII): The Institute for Symbiotic Interactions, Training and Education in the Face of a Changing Climate, or INSITE, stands out because it is supported by $12.5 million from the National Science Foundation, one of the largest NSF grants UC Merced has ever received...
UC Merced Professor Wan Du
UC Merced Professor Wan Du has received a CAREER award for his research on energy efficient building management. He is the 36th researcher from UC Merced to earn a CAREER award from the...
Researchers Jeanette Cobian-Iñiguez, Stephen Hart and Roger Bales.
A grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) will fund a project led by a UC Merced researcher looking into predicting behavior of wildfires. Jeanette Cobian-Iñiguez is leading a team...
A male waterbuck antelope stands knee-deep in receding floodwaters three months after Cyclone Idai made landfall. Three months before this photo being taken, a waterbuck standing in this spot would be totally submerged by Cyclone Idai induced flooding.
How different species of animals respond to extreme weather events — which are increasing because of climate change — appears to be related to body size and habitat preference, a new...
A meeting of the UC Merced Battery Challenge team.
A team from UC Merced has been selected to participate in the Department of Energy (DOE) "BattChallenge," a three-year competition to develop a battery for an electric vehicle....
Scientists collect vegetation data from the Cape Of Good Hope, Western Cape, South Africa. Photo by Adam M. Wilson
Understanding and conserving biodiversity, or the variety of life in ecosystems, is key to sustaining life on Earth. A research project funded by NASA that is launching this week in South Africa,...
The annual Shakespeare in Yosemite production is just one avenue for environmental humanities students to get involved.
Compelling storytelling is vital to ensuring the action needed to secure a habitable planet for future generations, according to an increasing amount of research. UC Merced is recruiting students...
UC Merced's Experimental Smart Farm is shown.
UC Merced researchers will tackle climate changes in multiple ways through more than $4 million in grants recently awarded from within the university. The Office of Research and Economic...
Professor Martha Conklin
Professor Martha Conklin started her career at UC Merced at the Castle Research Facility, and it began with a frightening surprise. “I had a baby rattlesnake in my office,” she said....
Planning for emergency evacuations using electric vehicles is the subject of one of the grants awarded to UC Merced.
Four UC Merced researchers will share in the new California Climate Action Seed Grants and Matching Grants, which are the result of an historic partnership between the University of California and...


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