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Computer Science

December 12, 2024

People are showing attending the I2G event and examining posters of projects.
Innovate to Grow, or I2G as it’s known on campus, is a twice-a-year showcase for UC Merced engineering and computer science students demonstrating projects they have been developing. Students compete on teams that are judged by experts from around California. People can see the fall...
Tyler Shaddix’s house looks like most of the other houses on his block in a subdivision not far from the UC Merced campus. It’s what’s inside that’s different – the home office of a startup company...
A collaboration between a dean and a professor and a grant from the National Science Foundation have made UC Merced part of a national nanotechnology-biology hub that will expand both knowledge and...
Peek in the windows at the Mechatronics, Embedded Systems and Automation (MESA) Lab sometime. You’ll probably see students flying small remote-controlled vehicles at all hours of the day and night....
Professor Christine Isborn is doing quantum chemistry at the speed of graphics. Isborn is using the same graphics computer cards (graphical processing units, or  GPUs) that make your Playstation...
The tougher a problem, the more creative a solution it needs, from the increasing power in orbiting satellites and saving tigers to saving state parks and catching thieves. And when a problem seems...
Sometimes, all you need is a little push, even if it comes from a mechanical arm. That was the case with the UC Merced Robotics Society, which began in 2008 but languished after its founders...
Mapping what is where on the earth’s surface is currently done primarily through overhead aerial and satellite images. This is useful in many ways but is limited in terms of portraying things like...
Engineering Professor Ming-Hsuan Yang of the University of California, Merced, has been named a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award to...
  Siblings Erin, Justin and Dylan Ray don’t agree on everything. But they do see eye-to-eye on the top choice for a college education: UC Merced. All three now are students at the University of...


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