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December 11, 2024

uc merced standup comedy class performers and professor
Katherine Cai is on stage, reminiscing about high school. “My dad tried to teach me geometry. You know how that goes. The questions get more and more difficult and Dad gets more and more frustrated, which leads to both of us having a crisis.” “We’re all just victims of...
With a growing collection of artifacts and replicas, UC Merced’s anthropology teaching laboratory gives students the ability to hold history in their hands. Students taking anthropology courses are...
UC Merced artists are sharing their best work this semester in the eighth annual Bobcat Art Show. The exhibit runs from April 1 to May 2 and entries can be seen at the Leo and Dottie Kolligian...
A pioneering American novelist and a former California Poet Laureate will be the keynote speakers at two April events being organized by graduate students and faculty in World Cultures. John Rechy...
A powerful one-woman play that explores the troubling world of physical and sexual abuse debuts Feb. 23 as part of Arts UC Merced Presents. “Black n Blue Boys/Broken Men,” written and performed by...
University of California, Merced, literature Professor Cristián H. Ricci has received a prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities award to write an in-depth analysis of Moroccan literature....
The path from ancient China to information science might seem like a long one, but Ruth Mostern is walking it. Mostern, a history professor in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, is...
Professor Arnold Kim’s music couldn’t be more different than that of student-staff-alumni band Feeling Gravity’s Pull. Kim’s The Yellow Hope Project work is heavily influenced by what he has been...
A richly illustrated book tracing centuries of change in the California landscape is this year’s Common Read, a program that connects students and faculty across disciplines by putting the same text...
With the help of a $2 million gift, UC Merced’s humanities center will support scholars in conducting interdisciplinary research, engaging the public and addressing issues critical to the San Joaquin...
