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January 9, 2025

Former President Jimmy Carter is shown speaking with students at UC Merced in 2010.
In 2010, former President Jimmy Carter made his way to a young University of California, Merced campus to accept the Spendlove Prize in social justice, diplomacy and tolerance and to speak to the National Parks Institute. "This is an honor for me," the president said, according to news...
The sworn ranks of UC Merced’s police department grew by two on Monday. UC Merced Police Chief Chou Her administered the oath to new officers joining his department. Angela Henke and...
Graduating students walk pass UC Merced sign
2023 was a remarkable year in which UC Merced experienced tremendous growth and acclaim. Several milestones were reached, setting up the university to continue thriving in the near future and beyond...
UC Merced women’s soccer wins their first Cal Pac Conference Tournament Championship, beating Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 2-1 on Bobcat Field on Nov. 11, 2023.
The year just ending has been one for the college sports record books and many kudos are due to the Bobcat athletes and their coaches. UC Merced men’s and women’s outdoor track swept...
UC Merced logo
Distinguished Professor Martin Hagger from the Department of Psychological Sciences has been awarded one of this year’s Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher awards. He is one of four...
Students in graduate regalia
Downtown Merced was awash in blue and gold as UC Merced's Fall 2023 Commencement literally spilled into the streets. Graduate students took the stage of the Art Kamangar Center inside the Merced...
Professor Xiaoyi Lu is pictured.
Computer science and engineering Professor Xiaoyi Lu has received a CAREER award for his research into high-performance computing (HPC) cyberinfrastructure systems. He is the 39th researcher...
  Hundreds of UC Merced graduates, their friends and familes will pack the Merced Theatre in downtown Merced this weekend as fall commencement ceremonies are celebrated. There are...
The spring 2022 I2G showcase is displayed.
Using magnetic resource imaging, or MRI, to harmlessly detect seeds in Mandarin oranges. Identification of pathogens in an image library with artificial intelligence (AI) to diagnose plant disease....
During college, Dr. Margo Vener was on a completely different career path. Having received a C in chemistry early on, she had all but closed the door on any notion of pursuing a career in medicine....
