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January 9, 2025

Former President Jimmy Carter is shown speaking with students at UC Merced in 2010.
In 2010, former President Jimmy Carter made his way to a young University of California, Merced campus to accept the Spendlove Prize in social justice, diplomacy and tolerance and to speak to the National Parks Institute. "This is an honor for me," the president said, according to news...
From the time UC Merced opened its doors, helping underrepresented students in the San Joaquin Valley has been a goal. By joining with the College Advising Corps, the university now has a partner...
UC Merced has long served as an educational opportunity for undocumented students and their families. A new grant will ensure the university can help more scholars realize their academic, career and...
If you’re an American with Internet access, you’ve probably done it. You get a headache, a sniffle or a mystery bruise, and instead of seeing your doctor, you consult “Dr. Google....
UC Merced’s polling station will be open Nov. 6 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Alpine Room. This year, the on-campus polling station features a centralized satellite voting, which means anyone...
Chemistry and chemical biology Professor Ryan Baxter recently became the campus’s 22nd recipient of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) prestigious early CAREER awards for untenured...
It’s that time of year again - time to show your Bobcat pride at UC Merced’s annual Homecoming celebration. Students, staff, faculty, alumni and the community are welcome to the two-...
Jonathan Daniel, who is working on a doctorate degree in Physics, is part of the Cal-Bridge program funded by NSF.
UC Merced is part of a concerted effort to dramatically increase diversity in physics and astronomy over the next five years. The campus is one of nine University of California campuses and 15...
To further his fundamental research into solid oxide fuel cells and other high-temperature electrochemical energy systems, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Professor Min Hwan Lee its...
A large group practices yoga outdoors at UC Merced.
UC Merced already strives to be the most sustainable and innovative research university. Now, a new initiative aspires to help the campus become one of healthiest — and students, staff and...
