Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, an author, UC Berkeley professor of public policy and economic expert is coming to Merced to show the film “Inequality for All” and engage with the audience afterward.
The event is sponsored by the University of California, Merced’s Office of the Chancellor and the campus’s Blum Center for Developing Economies.
“One of the greatest benefits of having a university in the area is its ability to spark diverse dialogs about some of the most pressing current issues,” UC Merced Vice Chancellor for Research Sam Traina said. “We’re proud to sponsor events like this because they are opportunities for learning and growth. We certainly hope for a lively exchange of ideas.”
Reich has published 13 books, including a memoir of his time as labor secretary, and others on the economy, democracy and the state of the nation. He is the chairman of Common Cause, a democracy-reform group that focuses on money in politics, ethics, the media, voting and a fair economy.
“We’re in the biggest economic slump since the Great Depression, and we can’t seem to get out of it. Why? Because, exactly as in the 1920s, so much of the nation’s income and wealth are going to the top that the vast middle class doesn’t have the purchasing power to keep the economy going,” Reich wrote. “Until we can take a step back and understand the big picture, we can’t do anything to get ourselves out of this mess. Our democracy as we know it depends on it.”
“Inequality for All” is a documentary about income inequality, and part of Reich’s visit involves a discussion of why it matters to the Central Valley that “today, the richest 400 Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million of us put together,” Reich said.
The event is designed to start a conversation about how the Valley can overcome the economic and social costs of income inequality. The UC Merced Blum Center will work with community leaders throughout the region to catalyze innovations for greater economic prosperity.
Reich was President Bill Clinton’s labor secretary, and is the presenter in the film. He is a Blum Center trustee and senior fellow. Time Magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the 20th century. He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and the Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley.
The free event takes place from 7 - 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 25, at the Merced Theater, 301 W. Main St., Merced. Please RSVP to chancellorevents@ucmerced.edu.
People who wish to submit questions for Q&A should tweet to @Blum_UCMerced and use #InequalityforAll.
For more information, visit blumcenter.ucmerced.edu.
Lorena Anderson

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