MERCED, Calif. — California’s state budget, approved
Friday by the Legislature, includes more than $100 million for UC
Merced’s continued development and growth.
“We are very pleased that the approved state budget reflects the
critical importance of higher education to the people of
California,” Chancellor Steve Kang said. “We expressly thank Gov.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has enthusiastically supported UC Merced
since before the campus opening in 2005. His readiness —
along with the Legislature’s — to include these funds this
year attests to their commitment to UC Merced and to the growing
contribution this campus is making to the San Joaquin Valley and
the state.”
The 2010-11 budget, awaiting the governor’s signature, includes
$81 million for construction of the Science and Engineering II
building, $10 million in base funding for operations, $6.5 million
for continued site development and infrastructure at UC Merced and
$5 million in supplemental operating funds.
Kang said the campus is grateful to those legislators whose
support has been invaluable in the months leading to the approval
of the state budget. In particular, he said, Assemblywoman Connie
Conway (R-Tulare), as a member of the Joint Budget Conference
Committee, played a key role in securing funding for the science
building. She was supported by our local legislators, Assemblywoman
Cathleen Galgiani (D-Livingston) and state Sen. Jeff Denham
(R-Atwater), as well as by Assembly budget committee member Jean
Fuller (R-Bakersfield).
“We applaud their collective efforts to support UC Merced
students, one-third of whom hail from the Valley, and to advance
the university’s mission in research, teaching and public service,”
Kang said.