The following students are the winners of the 2009 Student
Research Poster Competition:
Undergraduate competition
First Place: Leily Kiani
Title: Dispersive Broadening of Ultrafast Optical Pulses from a
Femtosecond Laser
Co-authors: Christiane Goulart-Pailo, Chenji Gu and Jay Sharping
Second Place: Michael Oliveria
Title: Towards the Controlled Differentiation of Vascular Cells
from a Common Flk-1 Progenitor Cell
Co-authors: Alicia Blancas and Kara McCloskey
Third Place: Jonathan Pegan
Title: Honeycomb Microwell Assay Platform for Generation and
Culture of Embryoid Bodies from Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Co-authors: Diep Nguyen, Guangxin Xiang, Jason Park, Kenta
Nakamura, Jennifer Manilay, Bruce Conklin and Michelle Khine
Graduate competition
First Place: Justin Matthews
Title: Effects of Facial Prominence on Predicted Job
Performance: A Gender Disparity in Predicted Negative Behavior
Second Place: Basha Stankovich
Title: Role of Adhesion Molecules in Hematopoietic and
Endothelial Commitment of Murine Embryonic Stem Cells
Co-authors: Esmerelda Aguayo, Fatima Barragan, Aniket Sharma and
Maria Pallavicini
Third Place: Soledad Nabora Reyes de Rogers
Title: Nox4 and Nox1 Enzymes are Persistently Elevated in Human
Hepatocytes Replicating Infectious Hepatitis C Virus
Co-authors: Scott Seronello, Chieri Ito, Mark Zern, Henry Jay
Foreman, David Lambeth and Jinah Choi