MERCED, CA— Planning for a medical education
program leading to a School of Medicine at the University of
California, Merced, is continuing. Most recently, our distinguished
consultants with the Washington Advisory Group completed a report
that enhances our planning process. The report identifies a series
of steps that will be considered with other strategies designed to
propel UC Merced and the San Joaquin Valley toward the goal of an
independently accredited medical school.
UC President Mark Yudof agrees with UC Merced in the value of
the report and the merit of the recommended options. President
Yudof told the Regents today he is authorizing development of an
undergraduate program at UC Merced to attract exceptional students
to study the health sciences and he is approving our campus to plan
for medical education and research programs in conjunction with an
existing UC medical school.
Readthe Chancellor’s entire statement.