Merced, CA - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in conjunction
with the University of California will host a joint Environmental
Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement public scoping meeting
on April 23, 2008 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the California Room,
5200 North Lake Road in Merced. The general public is invited to attend.
“This is a chance for members of the public to comment on the
proposed project of the UC Merced campus and adjacent University
community,” said Nancy Haley, senior project manager with the Corps
of Engineers. “This will be the first step in the process to
identify and assess impacts associated with the University’s
Section 404 permit application to fill waters of the United States,
including seasonal wetlands, with campus buildings, an adjacent
community and associated infrastructure.”
Members of the public will have several methods at the meeting
by which they can present their views: through interaction with
experts, by recording their comments with a court reporter or by
submitting their comments in writing. They can also address
comments to:
Interested parties are invited to submit written comments on the
permit application on or before May 7, 2008.
UC Merced’s revised application is available at,
the USACE Web site.
To view UC Merced press release explaining the revised
application, see