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UC Merced Opens Doors to Community for Campus-wide Events April 14

April 6, 2007

UC Merced Opens Doors to Community for Campus-wide Events April 14

On Saturday, April 14, UC Merced will host Bobcat Day, an annual campus open house, in conjunction with the second annual Fairy Shrimp Festival and the “Second Ever UC Merced Family Art Show. Everyone is invited to join in the days activities beginning at 10 a.m.

Bobcat Day provides an opportunity for newly admitted students, prospective students and their families to visit the campus; listen to student and parent panel discussions; interact with faculty, students and staff; and learn about UC Merceds student organizations and activities. Students will have access to the offices of Academic Advising, Financial Aid, Housing, Health Services, Student Life and Recreation. This years open house will feature a catapult exhibit presented by an engineering faculty member and tours of housing and the Joseph Edward Gallo Recreation and Wellness Center.

For more information about Bobcat Day, visit, or contact Manuel Berumen at (209) 631-4874 or (866) 270-7301.

The second annual Fairy Shrimp Festival is a family-friendly event hosted by the Office of Student Life. This years program theme, Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Earth, will showcase UC Merceds commitment to the arts and environmental issues. A variety of artists, environmental and informational booths, and live bands will be featured. The festival is free and open to everyone and runs from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Music begins at noon and ends at 8 p.m.

For more information about the Fairy Shrimp Festival, contact Jim Greenwood at (209) 228-2582 or You can also learn more by visiting the Office of Student Life site at

In addition, the UC Merced Family Art Show opens Saturday, April 14 and runs through May 14. UC Merced students, staff, faculty and relatives of campus employees have submitted a good variety of painting, drawing, sculpture, other visual arts and everyones favorite - childrens art! The exhibition will be shown in the Kolligian Library. Everyone is welcome to view the art during the open house events on April 14 or anytime the Kolligian Library is open. For more information, contact