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UC Merced Extends Fall 2006 Admission Offers to 6,200 Freshman Students

April 19, 2006

Preliminary Numbers Show 4 Percent Overall Gain and Nearly 15
Percent Increase in Central Valley Students

The newest University of California campus has admitted 6,200
freshman students for Fall 2006, according to preliminary data
released today (April 19, 2006) by the UC Merced Office of
Admissions/Relations with Schools & Colleges.

Representing a 4 percent increase over the freshman admit figure
for Fall 2005, the data also points to a 14.7 percent gain in the
number of Central Valley students admitted.

“In our second year of freshman admissions, we are excited to
again offer admission to the state’s top students, including a
higher number of Central Valley students. Students from the Central
Valley make up nearly 18 percent of this year’s freshman admits
compared with 16 percent last year,” said Encarnación
Ruíz, director of undergraduate admissions. “This corresponds
with an increase in the number of Central Valley students gaining
admission to the UC system as a whole, which has increased by 14
percent over the past year alone.”

UC Merced also is posting high numbers of applicants from the
state’s major urban areas. Approximately one-third of the admitted
freshmen hail from the San Francisco Bay Area and 46 percent are
residents of Southern California, with a majority from Los Angeles.

Beyond accommodating students from throughout California, UC
Merced is extending UC access to outstanding students with a broad
array of backgrounds. Preliminary systemwide admit tables made
available today by the UC Office of the President indicate that 24
percent of UC Merced’s admitted students are from underrepresented
ethnic groups (African American, American Indian and
Chicano/Latino) and 42 percent would be the first in their families
to complete a four-year college degree.

Overall, preliminary numbers show that UC Merced is extending
freshman admission offers to 78 percent of the students who
submitted applications.

For Fall 2006, UC statewide figures indicate that 78 percent of
freshman applicants were admitted, amounting to a record 55,242
admits for California students. A complete set of freshman admit
tables is available online at

To take the next step toward enrolling at UC Merced in the fall,
admitted freshmen must submit the Statement of Intent to Register
(SIR). Freshman SIRs are expected by May 1 and Ruíz encourages
students submit the SIR as soon as possible to get their housing,
financial aid, orientation and other important matters in order.
Students who file the SIR after May 1 will be considered on a
space-available basis.

Admitted students are encouraged to take advantage of admit
events hosted by the Office of Admissions on April 22 and April 29.

Most students who have applied for transfer admission to UC
Merced in Fall 2006 have been notified of their admission decisions
and the remainder can expect to receive notification by the end of April.

Transfer students are expected to submit their SIRs by June 1
and are invited to attend Transfer Day, a special admit event
presented by the Office of Admissions on April 29.

For more information about the admit events or to arrange campus
tours, which are available every Monday through Saturday, students
are encouraged to call (209) 381-7880 or (866) 270-7301 toll free
in California.

The Fall 2006 graduate admissions process is ongoing, with more
than 150 applications already received for master’s and Ph.D.
programs - more than double the total from the Fall 2005 admissions
cycle - and many offers of admission already extended. Almost
one-third of the applicants to date are students from the Central Valley.

Students who are still interested in applying to the UC Merced
Graduate Division are encouraged to contact the division at (209)
724-4429. Some graduate degree programs, including the newly
established Applied Mathematics program, may still be accepting
applications for the fall.

*NOTE: Data included is preliminary and subject to change. Some
of the application numbers noted for UC Merced differ from the data
released by the UC Office of the President because they incorporate
more recent statistics made available by the UC Merced Office of
Admissions/Relations with Schools & Colleges.