Eight University of California researchers have been awarded
fellowships for 2005, the New York-based John Simon
Guggenheim Memorial
Foundation has announced.
UC’s eight faculty were among the 30 recipients in the Pacific
Coast region
and among the 186 artists, scholars and scientists from more
than 3,000
applicants in the United States and Canada for awards
totaling $7,112,000.
Guggenheim fellows are appointed on the basis of distinguished
and exceptional promise for future accomplishment. They
include writers,
painters, sculptors, photographers, filmmakers,
choreographers, physical
and biological scientists, social scientists, and scholars in
humanities. Many of them hold appointments in colleges and
and a number have no academic affiliation.
More Guggenheim fellowships have been awarded to UC faculty than
to any
other university or college. There have been approximately
1,250 Guggenheim
fellows from UC since 1930, according to the foundation.
This year’s Guggenheim fellows at the University of California are:
- Donald J. Cosentino, a professor of cultural studies, UCLA,
who is
researching a Los Angeles priestshaman and his Congo spirit.
- Sharon Ann Farmer, a professor of history, UC Santa Barbara,
who is
researching Oriental luxuries, Parisian crafts and the making
of Europe’s
fashion capital.
- Simone Forti, a choreographer and adjunct assistant professor
of dance,
UCLA, who will work on improvisation with movement and
language, including
collaborative research and performances with her Los Angeles colleagues.
- Peter Gourevitch, a professor at the Graduate School of
Relations and Pacific Studies, and professor of political
science, UC San
Diego, who is researching financial institutions and
corporate governance.
- Victoria E. Marks, a choreographer and professor of
choreography and
performance, UCLA, whose project is to create performance
work with
disabled veterans.
- Harryette Mullen, a poet and professor of English and African
studies, UCLA, who is researching her American ancestors with
the goal of
writing a creative family history.
- Katherine Sherwood, an artist and professor of art practice,
UC Berkeley,
who will work on a series of mixed-media paintings
incorporating cerebral
angiograms with 16th.century neuro-anatomy.
- Niek Veldhuis, an assistant professor of Assyriology, UC
Berkeley, who is
researching the intellectual history of ancient Mesopotamia.
Guggenheim fellowships are grants made for a minimum of six
months and a
maximum of 12 months. The average grant in 2005 is about $38,000.
The Guggenheim foundation has awarded more than $240 million in
to more than 15,500 individuals.
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